Thursday, July 30, 2009

Patience...and persistence

Today brings a reminder that patience is a virtue, and not always easy to come by...and when supplemented with persistence, a VERY good thing. Something to work towards.

I'm keeping this short. Need to finish a paper that should have been done yesterday. But did want to write a quick note to say that I am thankful for safe travels today, time spent with Carson on his birthday and in the car, and that I am looking forward to a few days with family.

What more can I ask for?
Until later,

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Most Important Job I'll Ever Have

19 years ago today I signed on for the most important, and perhaps the toughest job I'll ever have: MOTHER.

On July 29, 1990 at 8:23 a.m. (Iowa time) Carson made his appearance in this world. A month early, he was so tiny that he wore preemie clothes that looked more like doll clothes. Yet today he is strong, healthy and you would never guess that he was in a hurry to arrive. Perhaps that "hurry" has translated to his speed on the track!

Babies don't come with instruction books or an owner's manual, and so it is truly on-the-job training. Some days were easy, some were tough. However somehow we have managed to raise him in a way that people around him enjoy his company. He is kind, caring and compassionate, he does well in school, and he is a tough competitor. He has developed interests in cars, fishing, running, and cards. He is friends with a wide group of people - I am amazed at his ability to interact with those around him. He bought an extra fishing pole so that he could take along a friend, and is introducing the sport to new people!
I know that as we send him off to Purdue this fall he is armed with the knowledge that his parents, family and friends love him very much and are proud of him.

So today I will bask in the knowledge that this most important job will never end and the rewards are many.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Life is...

a journey.
a celebration
a learning opportunity.
a wonderful thing.
filled with family.
filled with friends who are like family.
filled with music.
filled with challenges.
filled with opportunities.
filled with great books to read!
filled with good things to eat....peaches...sweet

Philosophical this morning. Please forgive my sentimental moment.

Friday, July 24, 2009

For the love of a job.

Those of you who know me well know that I am not much of a baseball fan. I usually go once a year to see the Cubs play - and that is really to watch the people, drink a beer or two and eat a hot dog. And of course, stand and sing with the rest of the Wrigley faithful during the 7th inning stretch.

However, something happened in baseball yesterday that doesn't happen very often. Mark Buehrle, a Chicago White Sox pitcher, pitched a perfect game. He was the man on the mound - but if not for DeWayne Wise in the outfield with a catch that will undoubtedly go down as one of the best in the game, it wouldn't have happened.

I'm not a sports writer, so I won't go into the details - you can find an article focusing on the catch here:

What I do want to detail is that these men work (and yes, playing baseball professionally is work) with passion and zest and the pursuit of that perfect game every time they take the field. If not for that, we probably wouldn't have celebrated with Buehrle last night, as the game would have ended differently.

That's the kind of job I want. One where I go to work each day with passion and zest for making a difference in the community where I am placed. It probably won't be in baseball (no newsflash there!) and right now I'm not sure where it will be. However I hope that it is something where I can use the gifts that I have been given.

And a tip of the hat to Buehrle and Wise from this quasi-baseball fan.
Until later,

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Singing ...and loving it!

This week I am spending time on campus doing one of the things I love to do most (and no, not talking!): singing!

I'm a member of Tippi Choral Club, which is part of Melody Makers of Indiana. Yesterday was the first day of a MMIA's 2.5 day workshop in which a group of 140 women, ranging in ages from 28 to 82, will sing together. Our goal is to learn 12 songs, which we will polish and then record as a teaching tool for the other members of MMIA. (There are over 500 members across the state.) In June 2010, all 500 of us will come together to perform these songs as part of MMIA's Festival.

I know that I'm partial, however what other medium could bring such diverse people together to do something that each enjoys? We are laughing as we try to learn the really tough numbers (this year's repertoire includes lyrics in Latin, Japanese, and another language that escapes me at the moment.) We are sharing ideas, experiences, tips on how to sing better, and really enjoying the company of like-minded women.

Even though I'm spending time singing, I still am keeping up with the job search. Earlier this week, I had an interview for a position in which I am very interested. I enjoyed the experience, and hope that those who interviewed me did as well!

As part of my class, I am to add a video or audio component to my Facebook page. I'm hoping that I can get a bootleg copy of the recording this week to add!

I'm doing what I love to do and enjoying it very much - I hope that those of you who might read this are able to say that, too!
Until later,

Monday, July 20, 2009

Work...out, not

Today - another new experience - a work out with a trainer! I had been told that she would kick my b--- (remember, this is a family-friendly blog) and that she did! So while I wasn't working...I was working out.

We (why did I write we? I did the real work!) spent time on the treadmill doing intervals...gasp...can I really jog at 5 mph? Then it was on to the REAL torture...ab work. I do believe that she took pity on me and we didn't do the workout in its entirety because I got lightheaded! Oops - note to self - eat about 2 hours prior to the workout! So after a quick glass of grape juice, she sent me on my way.

And eating, hmmm...she wasn't overly impressed by my breakfast of fresh peaches and ice cream. Well, that will be tough to give up as it is peach season and they are delicious!

Of course, I'm going back tomorrow...and later this week...and next week...dear J, I'm afraid you are stuck with me!
Until later,

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sweet Corn, Peaches and Tomatoes

Today brought with it a trip towards southern Indiana to meet my parentss to get some sweet corn, peaches and tomatoes. A quick trip, but well worth it! My son accompanied me, and he recalled for me his awesome experience at the Billy Joel and Elton John concert last week. Our trip down - Elton John tunes. on the way home - Billy Joel. I recalled the first time I saw Elton John in concert - and again marveled at the staying power of this cross-generational rocker.

And, oh, the sweet corn: my dinner this evening consisted of 3 ears. Delicious! :-)
Until later,